Wallaba Posts and Poles


Species Information:



Guyana is home to a prized tropical hardwood known as Wallaba, which grows in abundance throughout the country. Its strength and durability are world-renowned. Wallaba posts and poles are excellent for freshwater and exterior ground contact applications. Wallaba posts and poles are commonly used for fencing, transmission poles, railings, decorative posts, and beams.

With a renewed focus on keeping animal habitats, crops and farm animals free from hazardous chemicals, Wallaba posts and poles are a perfect product to help accomplish the task.

Like other tropical hardwoods, Wallaba is durable and strong, with an approximate weight of 65 lbs per cubic foot. The wood is three times stronger than southern yellow pine and is easier to cut than other hardwoods, making the installation process less challenging.

With a high resistance to moisture, insect infestation, and decay, Wallaba wood is unparalleled. The tropical hardwood can fight off insects and decay without the use of preser­vative chemicals, which helps to ensure that animals and vege­tation will not be sub­jected to hazardous chemicals.

This natural wood has a “Class A” fire rating, making it almost as fire resistant as metal or concrete. With an incredible resilience and life span of over 50+ years, Wallaba posts and poles can save time and money by avoiding costly repairs and replacements.

In addition to being an environmentally friend­ly timber, Wallaba wood is harvested in a sustainable manner which is enforced by the Guyana Forestry Commission to ensure for­est preservation. In our manufacturing of Wallaba posts and poles we gladly carry out the country’s objective to preserve tree crops for future generations.

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  • Commercial
  • Residential


  • Fencing
  • Transmission Poles
  • Railings
  • Decorative Posts & Beams

Size Info:

  • Round Lengths: 6 – 39 Feet
  • Round Diameters: 4”, 6”, 8”, 10”, 12”
  • Square Lengths: 10 – 30 Feet
  • Square Sizes:  4”, 6”, 8”, 10”, 12”